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Conference: Thought, Image, and the Making of Social Worlds

— abgelegt unter:

  • Tagung
Wann 11.07.2019 17:45 bis
13.07.2019 18:00
Wo Archäologische Sammlung, Herderbau (Tennenbacherstr. 4), Eingang Habsburger Straße
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Thought, Image, and the Making of Social Worlds

11th to 13th of July, 2019

Archäologische Sammlung (Herderbau / Entrance Habsburgerstraße)

An international conference of archaeologists, anthropologists, epigraphers, historians, and art historians will explore:

  • how thought is externalised in material forms and images, across ehe broad sweep of human history,
  • how images work eo generate systems of knowledge distinct from language or text, and how these may co-exist wich script,
  • how comparative scudy of image systems throws into doubt distinctions berween 'informal' vs. 'formal' mathematics, or 'oral' vs. 'literare' societies,
  • how images are integral eo rhe making and modelling of human social worlds.

Opening Lecture: Carlo Severi

11th of July, 18:15

Lecture Hall / Hörsaal 1199, Kollegiengebäude I


Conference flyer /Tagungsflyer

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